World poultry
About the Company

The AVIPOINT team consists of experienced veterinarians, specialists in poultry diseases, who gained their knowledge in the field of bird pathology both in Poland and in foreign centers educating aviopathologists. Our doctors constantly deepen their knowledge by appearing at all valuable conferences and training courses as well as taking part in national and international workshops in the field of practical knowledge. They share their skills with breeders and veterinarians at organized meetings, and publish their knowledge, among others, in the pages of Polish Poultry Farming, Poultry Breeders, International Poultry Production and the lntemational Animal Health Journal.

Do you want to join us ?!
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Cooperation with us
If you have any questions or would like to cooperate – please contact us Our team is at your disposal.
Our address
Gabinet Weterynaryjny AVIPOINT
Ul. Zambrowska 16A
16-001 Kleosin
NIP: 758 228 77 81
+48 577 282 562